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Kathgarh Temple , Temple where two shivling jointed

Kathgarh temple outside
Outside view of kathgarh Temple

Kathgarh Temple is located in indora which is under district kangra. This village touches Punjab and himchal border.

Kathgarh Temple is only Shivalinga temple where one shivling is divided in two parts. One part is consider parvati and second one consider as lord shiva.

Joint shivling in kathgarh

This is believed that the kathgarh Temple shivling get assemble in one form on the day of Shivaratri.

There is story behind kathgarh Temple like guru Brahma and Vishnu was in quarrel and lord shiva taken form of shivling and appear here for sort out quarreling of both.

Behind this temple of Indora also belief that raja bharat , brother of lord Ram use to worship their when he use to go on his grandmother home which was in Jammu.
The shivling in kathgarh Temple is about 5.30 feet long.
Kathgarh temple was built by maharaja Ranjit Singh ji.

It is a belief that raja porus also worship during sikandar porus battle. You can visit kathgarh Mandir on Shivaratri if you want to see local cultural festival. In Shivratri you will be able to see one form of joint shivling inside kathgarh Temple.


Maintain silence in Temple.
You may carry bhel for offering to Shivalinga.
Behind temple there is beautiful park which is beautiful place for photography but inside  Temple photography not allowed.


Accomodation available for devotee.
Langar (lunch/dinner) available in temple premises.
Parking available.


Open Everyday
6:00 AM to 9:00 PM


shiv mandir kathgarh,
VPO Kathgarh, Tehsil – Indora, Dist.- Kangra, Himachal


+91 1893-205439


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